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Description:A static library performing automatic word hyphenation using TeX hyphenation patterns. Written by László Németh.
Developer/Porter:Carsten Siegner
Short: use converted TeX hyphenation patterns
Author: László Németh <nemeth (at) numbertext (dot) org>, Morphos port by Carsten Siegner
Uploader: Carsten Siegner (carstensiegner osnanet de)
Type: dev/lib
Version: 2.8.8
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.7

Hyphen - hyphenation library to use converted TeX hyphenation patterns

(C) 1998 Raph Levien
(C) 2001 ALTLinux, Moscow
(C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 László Németh

This was part of libHnj library by Raph Levien.

Peter Novodvorsky from ALTLinux cut hyphenation part from libHnj
to use it in OpenOffice.org.

Compound word and non-standard hyphenation support by László Németh.

License is the original LibHnj license:
LibHnj is dual licensed under LGPL and MPL (see also README.libhnj).

Because LGPL allows GPL relicensing, COPYING contains now
LGPL/GPL/MPL tri-license for explicit Mozilla source compatibility.

Original Libhnj source with OOo's patches are managed by Rene Engelhard
and Chris Halls at Debian:

and http://packages.debian.org/unstable/source/libhnj


This distribution is the source of the en_US hyphenation patterns
"hyph_en_US.dic", too. See README_hyph_en_US.txt.

Source files of hyph_en_US.dic in the distribution:

hyphen.tex (en_US hyphenation patterns from plain TeX)

Source: http://tug.ctan.org/text-archive/macros/plain/base/hyphen.tex

tbhyphext.tex: hyphenation exception log from TugBoat archive

Source of the hyphenation exception list:

Generated with the hyphenex script

sh hyphenex.sh <tb0hyf.tex >tbhyphext.tex

Upload Date:May 07 2018
Size:740 KB
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