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Description:Show PROCs of E-src in a MUI window.
Developer/Porter:Thomas Igracki
Short: Show PROCs of E-src in a MUI window
Author: Thomas@Igracki.de (Thomas Igracki)
Type: dev/e
Version: 1.1
Architecture: ppc-morphos
Kurz: Zeigt PROCs von E-src im MUI Fenster an

This tool opens a mui window where you can open as many E-sources as you
like in multiple tabs where all PROCs of a source are listed with their
line number.
If you double click a PROC, the source is loaded (if not already)
into Scribble and the cursor is positioned at the PROC.
Hint: Scribble has to be started before you double click!

There is also a Search gadget to search for a PROC in the current tab.

Its written in AmigaE with the ecx compiler by Leif Salomonsson!

If you have some suggestions or bugreports send them to: EProcLister@Igracki.de.

If someone wants an Amiga68k or AmigaOS4 version, contact me.

30-Jul-13: v1.1
new: added a requester if the source failed to open
new: added a requester if the user wants to close the last tab
new: you can specify multiple e-sources at startup
fix: the first tab couldn't be deleted
fix: fixed a read from 0, if you add a new tab, or switch to an empty tab
[reported by krashan, 30-Jul-13]

26-Jul-13: v1.0 first release

Upload Date:May 07 2018
Size:70 KB
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