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Description:A small CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze/setPri/break/ option by Thomas Igracki.
Developer/Porter:Thomas Igracki
short: small CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze/setPri/break/ option
author: Thomas Igracki
version: 1.19 (09.10.11)

TopCPU /

TopCPU is cpu monitor which displays the top 5 tasks with their cpu usage.
Additionally it displays the total system cpu usage.

There is a text field and a gauge for each of the 3 tasks and for the system
cpu usage representing the current cpu usage.

There is also a contextmenu for the top tasks "lines" to set the tasks priority
to -1, 0, 1 or with a requester, for freezing/activating a task and for breaking
a task with ctrl-C,D,E or F.

The window border will be transparent if the window gets inactive!
This can also be adjusted so that the window border is always transparent or never.

The window can be a backdrop window.

Its written with MUI, so thanks goes to Stefan Stuntz for this wunderfull
heap of bits;-)

Have fun with it, and if you have some ideas/bug reports send it to

= History =
09. October 2011 v1.19
Chg: Replaced Urltext.mcc usage with new Hyperlink.mcc
Chg: Replaced my own about window with Aboutbox.mcc
New: Added the gcc compiler version in the about window

Fix: Seems so that the "smbfs-fix" from v1.18 didn't worked, although I remember
that it worked...
Now its working (again;)

30. Juli 2011 v1.18
Fix: If a process' name is something like "smbfs '//LS-CHL2AD/otr/'",
TopCPU displayed only a "'" as name!

3. Januar 2010 v1.17
Fix: If the string in cli_CommandName is empty, use cli_SetName
This fixes the bug that the arexx script Quicksilver has an empty taskname in TopCPU

15. Januar 2007:
new: Added the possibility to hide the gauges, so only the percent-textgadgets
are shown
[suggested by Korni, 14-Jan-07]

Chg: Renamed the menu item "Prefs/Only CPU" to "Prefs/Only System"
New: New menu item "Prefs/No SystemLoad"
New: New menu item "Prefs/No Gauges"
[suggested by Korni, 14-Jan-07]

3. Oktober 06: v1.16
New: The whole group is now a drag gadget, this means you can drag the window
from everywhere in the group/window!
[Thanks to ultragelb for saying how this works in a mzone thread]

12. August 06: v1.15
New: New custom class to have a virtual group which is only virtual in one direction
Fix: If a taskname is too long to be displayed in the TaskGauge, there were some
mui hits and the gauge border was overwritten
Now I use my modified virtgroup class to workaround this

10. August 06:
Chg: Changed the description of TopCPU a little bit
[suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]

4. August 06: v1.14
New: If Urltext.mcc exists, a clickable url appears in the about window to open
TopCPUs homepage in your browser

4. August 06: v1.13
Fix: The window couldn't be placed at the bottom of the screen when the window
is opened, because all 5 task gauges are shown inititally and then only
the number the user selected.

1. August 06: v1.12
New: Added the possibility to open the window as backdrop and change it on-the-fly
I had to change a lot of internal things to achieve this...
[suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]

30./31. Juli 06: v1.11
Fix: There was one line too much transparent at the top border
[reported by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
New: Added a "Border Transparency" prefs menu, to set transparency mode for the
window border to "Auto", "On" or "Off"
[suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
Chg: Replaced the MenuActionHook with an own method
New: Added a "Hide myself" menuitem to the "Show top x tasks" prefs menu,
to toggle the visibility of TopCPUs own task in charts
[suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
New: Added MUIM_Import/Export methods so various prefs menuitem states
will be remembered!
Fix: The windows inner spacing couldn't be set with the mui prefs program
[reported by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]

30. Juli 06: v1.10
New: Added a "..." menuitem to the "Pri" menu to open a requester, where you
can specify a new priority between -127 and +5

18. Jul 06: v1.9
Chg: The tasks "input.device" and "notifyintuition.library" can't be freezed anymore, because
if you freeze them, nothings works anymore, maybe I'll add more in the future...
New: Added a "Break" menu, to send a CTRL-C/D/E/F to the task

Fix: Omit a frozen task from the charts

10. Jul 06: v1.8
New: Added a window menu for some actions:
display an about window, display MUIs about window, quit program and choose how many
(1 to 5) top tasks are displayed or if only the cpu gauge should be displayed

Upload Date:Aug 08 2023
Size:63 KB
Last Comments
09 Aug 2023
Sadly, I have had no contact from Thomas Igracki for some considerable time, which is still concerning. We both discussed this concern a good while ago, when I first got worried about his absence from the community, which it seems you too are now concerned about. However, if I do hear back from him I will be sure to ask him to re-announce himself to the MorphOS community, and here.
08 Aug 2023
Somebody has any news of Thomas Igracki ?
08 Aug 2023
old archive reuploaded because that on server was corrupt