Short: Screen Blanker for MorphOS Author: Matthias "UltraGelb" Böcker ( Uploader: Matthias "UltraGelb" Böcker ( Type: util/wb Version: V1.0 Requires: TinyGL Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.0.0 Website: WHAT IS IT? =========== Starfield.btd is a screen blanker module for MorphOS. All it does is to draw a rotating, spinning and moving starfield all over the screen. Everything is fully configureable. Sorry for the lack of a documentation. Most of the config options hopefully don't need one. REQUIREMENTS ============ - MorphOS 2.0 or higher - TinyGL INSTALLATION ============ Double-Click the Install icon and Starfield will be installed as a new blanker module to your system. If you prefer to install it manually just copy Starfield.btd to SYS:Classes/Blankers/ :> copy ram:Starfield/Starfield.btd to SYS:Classes/Blankers/ Now go to System Prefs and open the "Blankers" preferences. Find and select Starfield from the List of Blankers. CATALOGS -------- Copy the catalogs directory to your Locale: assign in order to have localised Preferences. Currently only german language catalog comes with Starfield Blanker. -> copy ram:Starfield/catalogs to LOCALE: ALL If you want to create a catalog in your native language please have a look at the catdev drawer contained in the archive. I recommend SimpleCat by Guido Mersman to easily create and maintain catalog translations. You can mail me the catalog if you want it to be included in future updates or simply release it yourself. CREDITS ======= Thanks to: Leif Salomonsson for ECX :-) Guido Mersmann for SimpleCat Rob Cranley for InstallerGen MorphOS-Team for MorphOS :-) DONATING ======== If you like my software please donate some money to: Every donation helps me to continue producing great software. Thank You! CONTACT ======= IF you want to contact me please write an email to or visit channel: #amigazeux Bye bye Matthias