Short: Package manager to download, extract, un/install, launch programs Authors: Software: Yannick Buchy ( Database: Bruno Peloille ( Optimisation and debug: Christophe Gouiran (BeChris) Type: network/packagemanager Version: 1.0b54 Requires: Hollywood plugins: RapaGUI, hURL, XAD (included) TextEditor MUI class v15.56+ (not included) Architecture: PPC-MorphOS Hello all, This is a new package manager created with Hollywood for MorphOS. It allows you to download, extract, un/install, and launch many archives from the MorphOS-Storage server. This software loads a dynamic database from the MorphOS-Storage, created by Bruno Peloille (BeWorld). A BIG THANKS to him for his help and effort setting up this specific database for use with the project. Many features: - tests if an internet connection is available - displays a progress bar during downloads, unarchiving and scans - sorts for most recent entries and categories - displays any ReadMe and/or preview (if available) - compares versions (if available) - launches its installer script (if available) - destination path by category is selectable - destination path for any specific software is also selectable - double-click on an installed entry for it to launch the software - send e/mail to developers (if available) - visit official website (if available) - support via PayPal button (if available) - watch YouTube video(s) (if available) - show banners (commercial product, etc.) IMPORTANT NOTE: IT'S A BETA RELEASE... IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOME ARCHIVES MAY NOT BE FULLY SUPPORTED (INSTALLER SCRIPT IS NOT LAUNCHED AUTOMATICALLY AFTER FILE(S) EXTRACTION, LOCAL VERSION NOT FOUND OR THERE IS A PROBLEM IN LOCATING THE CORRECT VERSION NUMBER, ETC.) DON'T HESITATE TO CONTACT ME AT: PAPIOSAUR2@HOTMAIL.FR TO LET ME KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS YOU DISCOVERED (E.G. NAME OF ARCHIVE, PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED, ETC.). SOME PROBLEMS ARE KNOWN AND SHOULD BE FIXED SOON (SCREENBAR ARCHIVES OR AN UNINSTALL OPTION FOR ARCHIVES WITH AN INSTALLER SCRIPT). ALL THIS REPRESENTS A LOT OF WORK, SO THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND YOUR HELP. IF YOU UPLOAD ANY FILE(S) TO MORPHOS-STORAGE THEN PLEASE CONSIDER ALL NORMAL PROCESSES, IN ORDER TO BE AS COMPATIBLE AS POSSIBLE WITH EASY2INSTALL, I.E.: Version string should be supplied in the executable file, if possible: Namewithoutspace versionnumber (e.g: onenamewithnospace r1, x.x, x.xx, x.xr1, x.xxb2, x.x.x, etc.) IMPORTANT NOTE: You can add a "version.txt" file with its version number into a drawer of the software if you have no version number in the executable (method to solve the issue ... which is better than nothing) Nameofthearchive_x.x.lha (without space) Nameofthearchive (without _x.x.lha) = Nameofthedrawer = Nameoftheexecutable Example : Easy2Install_1.0.lha, Easy2Install/Easy2Install If there is an installer script just name it as "Install" The preview picture for Easy2Install is a jpg sized 320x256. Preview pictures (Max. of 6) for need png (no minimum size) Example: Easy2install_1.0.jpg (320x256): preview for Easy2Install pictures for MorphOS-Storage: Easy2install_1.0.png Easy2install_1.0_1.png Easy2install_1.0_2.png Easy2install_1.0_3.png Easy2install_1.0_4.png Easy2install_1.0_5.png CONFIGURATION BEFORE USAGE: - Run OpenURL prefs in MorphOS Prefs - Select Tab mail client (Mailers) - Load presets for Iris with option gadget (mini-magnifier at top-right) - Save prefs USAGE: - Select a category/developer or search your software and press ENTER - Select the software - Left mouse-click on "Install/Update" button If the Installer reads = Yes, then an installer script was found in an archive and it will be launched automatically (if the information above was supplied). If the Installer reads = No, an archive is only extracted to a set destination. You can change a file's destination using the "Modify destination path" button. If the Installer reads = NoExe, an archive is extracted to a set destination with no search for the executable (like sources or other files). If the Installer reads = OpenDest, the archive is extracted to a set destination with no search of a drawer or for an executable (like a simple library) Double-clicking on an entry, usually will launch the software automatically (if the information above was supplied). You can specify a new default path for a category or a new specific path for any software. I hope you appreciate all the effort that we put in to create this software ;-) If you find it useful then maybe you will consider making a donation in order to encourage future software being created for our mutual benefit. Have fun with Easy2Install!!! Thanks a lot to: - MorphOS Team for MorphOS - Andreas Falkenhahn for Hollywood and his plugins - Bernd Assenmacher for his source code to get started with Hollywood - BeChris for his help with code optimisation and debugging - jPV for his help with database support - BeWorld for his work on and its database. - Flinx for his help with XAD support - Manu and Moerboer for beta-test returns - Sinisrus for tips to iconify the app with an external icon - NewSense for proofreading History: 1.0b54 - added: support for SmartClipboard screenbar (version, uninstall) 1.0b53 - fixed: a problem with "Rescan" function and "Not installed" software - added: a button to launch the applications (in addition of the double click) - fixed: progress bar return to 0 after a scan and extraction - fixed: a problem to open OpenSSL destination (thanks to BeWorld) - updated: translation files with some new strings (thanks to translators for proofreading) 1.0b52 - added: german translation, thanks to Jay Konrad - fixed: problem with progress bar during the download 1.0b51 - fixed: last strings added in spanish catalog was translated in italian language by me, thanks to Templario to report it and fix it. - added: version support for Pangomonium (last Hollywood plugin) 1.0b50 - fixed: some duplicated dates in the database - fixed: sort column dates prior to loading a new database - deleted installation drawer from RAM: if rescan is clicked on after an installation via an installer script - added open drawer command after extraction of archives with installer script - now after clicking on the "download archive" button or when you install an archive without executable, the destination drawer is opened in list mode to view the archive - added a new button to enable reporting a problem with any archives - use extended option of AREXX WRITE command from Iris (Thanks to Jacadcaps for this new feature), add string "WRITE %a %s %b" like OpenURL_Prefs.jpg picture to your OpenURL prefs in MorphOS Settings. 1.0b49 - added Spanish langage, thanks to Templario - added Italian langage, thanks to Dino Papararo - added Dutch langage, thanks to Skateman - updated langages with About section - fixed: a problem to open some destination path(s) (dependencies) 1.0b48 - fixed: some buttons were left active after a search, now deactivated - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file 1.0b47 - fixed: version string when there is no 'exe' in the archive (set to 'installed') - added external support for archives with no 'exe' and for archives with no drawer - new previews are set to 256 pixels (height) to keep the GUI the same size 1.0b46 - added monospace font for the ReadMe.txt and the Log windows - fixed: a problem with uninstallation of Image2PDF (now it's a drawer) 1.0b45 - fixed: a problem to refresh destination path for categories (thanks Jedi) - fixed: buttons were accessible when the lister was empty (thanks gordini21) 1.0b44 - fixed: a problem with "AmiSSL:" error message - added somes strings not translated in French catalog 1.0b43 - fixed a problem with destination path for categories in French thanks Jedi) 1.0b42 - added French localisation (if you want to translate Easy2Install into another language, don't hesitate to contact me straight away. - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file 1.0b41 - fixed: shows destination path for the first entry at startup (latest updates) - fixed: a problem after applying a new destination path for a category (the lister remained deactivated) - added default destination path for Games and Demoscene categories - sub-category column moved after 'Local' column in the database (thanks BeWorld) - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file 1.0b40 - fixed: problem with SDL2 version 1.0b39 - added new banners (Wayfarer and Iris) - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file - added more MUI Help Bubble info - added a new balance gadget under the lister (work only if preview is deactivated) - improved English texts (thanks NewSense) 1.0b38 - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file - fixed a forget after a search by name (about old SAVE button) - fixed problems in new Ambient category (thanks BeWorld) 1.0b37 - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file - fixed "Open drawer" function for specifics archives - installation of TextEditor MUI class at startup if not present - fixed problem when log window was deactivated 1.0b36 - new archives fixed as stated in the IMPORTANT NOTE in this ReadMeFirst.txt file - fixed a problem when the destination is "Ram Disk:" (thanks ghh) - fixed a problem when an archive is already present in RAM:T/ - added the default path Sys:Demoscene/ for Demoscene category (thanks BeWorld) 1.0b35 - new archives supported 1.0b34 - fixed lister, now activates last (may have caused problems previously) - fixed a problem with the downloading function - fixed the PayPal and YouTube buttons - fixed during "Download archive" process, buttons are now deactivated - new archives supported - improved english texts (thanks NewSense) 1.0b33 - fixed a problem with ABORT function - added more details during archive extraction in the log window 1.0b32 - fixed a problem with default paths from server - new archives supported 1.0b31 - Easy2Install now has donationware status: you can donate to support this project - code optimisation and debug (thanks BeChris) - support of prefs file (thanks BeChris) - added "Search by developers" option in the database (thanks BeWorld) - added support of MD5 checksum in the database (thanks BeWorld) - many improvements for the GUI - added show/hide for the preview, banner and log + save options - added number of entries of the lister - added hotkeys to requesters Yes/No - added more information during operations in a new log window - hidden Installer column - fixed one MUI prefs file (thanks jPV) need to delete sys:prefs/env-archive/MUI/EASY2INSTALL10Bxx.x.prefs old file(s) - improved scan to get version or installation status - new archives supported 1.0b30 - new archives supported - fixed a problem when uninstalling program with invalidly named drawer - fixed a problem with 'refresh' procedure 1.0b29 - new archives supported - added 'Abort' button during download (only) (if users have problems utilising it let me know, so I can remove it) - improved GUI 1.0b28 - new archives supported 1.0b27 - 'About' window closes OK now (thanks jPV) - fixed a problem for specific path for first entry (restored) - added an "Open drawer" button - added a "Download archive" button - new archives supported 1.0b26 - reset string after launch of a search - fixed problem of automatic launch after a search - Shoot3D games are now available (thanks kriz) - new archives supported 1.0b25 - fix a problem with "Audio" global path (thanks cip060) 1.0b24 - new archives supported - added information messages for archives not supported (to rename drawer &/or executable file) 1.0b23 - new archives supported - added error message when Easy2Install doesn't find an executable 1.0b22 - lister activated at the end of operations - new archives supported (see details in the ReadMeFirst.txt file) 1.0b21 - error message from command version removed (thanks jPV) - game/patch category fixed - new archives supported - buttons states fixed after a search 1.0b20 - new problem fixed - new archives supported 1.0b19 - new problem fixed 1.0b18 - new archives supported - some problem fixed 1.0b17 - new archives supported - showed default path in string requester - added a banner to show commercial software - some modifications in the GUI - some problem fixed 1.0b16 - new archives supported - add new hotkeys ('m' modifies path, 'c' toggles global/specific path) - listview & first entry selection allows use of up/down keys at startup (thanks jPV) - default destination path for categories is shown in requester input - more improvements in the GUI - option to update Easy2Install via more recent Easy2Install from RAM: just select "Easy2Install" entry, then press "Install/Update" button (Update option should work with next beta version) 1.0b15 - added date (thanks BeWorld) - sort by software installed up/software not installed up - editable global destination path for each category - open software window after extraction (without installer script) - new archives supported - some preview resized - added hotkeys - one button to download and install - added "Rescan version" button for software installed with an installer script 1.0b14 - version search optimised (thanks BeWorld) - new archives supported - archive in RAM: deleted after extraction 1.0b13 - GUI reworked and some strings fixed - added iconify icon (thanks Sinisrus) - added buttons and improve database for Mail, Website, Paypal support and YouTube 1.0b12 - first public release