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Description:An Educational game to teach coding.
Developer/Porter:Samuli Holopainen
Short: Educational game to teach coding
Author: Samuli Holopainen
Uploader: samuli holopainen1 gmail com
Type: game/think
Version: 1.0
Architecture: ppc-morphos

AIBOT is a test game of an educational game idea I have had for some time that
is aiming to teach coding principles to a player.

In AIBOT you are controlling a Robot in search for hes coder by using a simple
programming language mostly to reach some certain area.

By finishing levels, more levels will open up and you will also earn credits
which you can use to buy more commands for your robot.

Game was originally made in about two weeks time for Christiandevs Speedgame
Competition 2018 and received an honorable mention.


See credits screen for credits. All that was made by Samuli Holopainen may be
reused as you see fit. For rest you need to follow links to see more specific
details on how to use them in your products.

This game is freeware, feel free to distribute it anywhere you like, even on
commercial products.


To see game in action, you can check Apostolic Game Designers youtube video
about 2018 Speedgames: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTbgtoVIm8E&t=383
(AIBOT starts at about 6:23 location)

NOTICE: This was done with Hollywood and have been designed to run on
1920 x 1080 resolution. Running this on any other resolution will require
Hollywood to scale all graphics making it much heavier to run.

MorphOS version have not been tested, I suppose it should work, but have no
actual idea if it really does.

Upload Date:Jul 31 2018
Size:16 MB
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