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Description:Flash (SWF) format file player
Developer/Porter:Maxim Ilyin
Short: Flash (SWF) format file player v. 1.4
Author: 72207.463@compuserve.com (Mike Steed)
Uploader: imax9 narod ru (Maxim Ilyin)
Type: gfx/show
Version: 1.4
Architecture: ppc-morphos


It is a MorphOS port (25-Apr-2008) by Maxim Ilyin.
Thanks to Mike Steed for collaboration.
Visit the homepage at http://www.rekom.ru/~imax


FlashPlayer is a player for Adobe's "flash" interactive animation format,
also known as SWF. The flash format was originally invented as a very
bandwidth-efficient means for delivering animation across the Internet.
It has since grown into an interactive presentation format, complete with
its own scripting language.

Like all flash animation players for the Amiga, FlashPlayer is based on the
open-source SWF library by Olivier Debon. FlashPlayer has made many
improvements to the original SWF library, and has wrapped around it a
full-featured GUI. However, despite the improvements, FlashPlayer still
suffers many of the limitations of the SWF library, including limited or
missing support for many of the newer additions to the flash format.

The source code for both FlashPlayer and the modified SWF library are
available in a separate archive, FlashPlayerSrc.lha.


- Fairly complete support for Flash 1 through Flash 3 formats

Most of these older animations will play pretty much as intended.

- Limited support for Flash 4 and up

Does not support scripting, so while it will not malfunction when
presented with a newer animation, it may not play it as intended. Newer
animations may play just fine, however, if they don't use any of the
unsupported features.

- Uses render.library and guigfx.library (included) for best image quality

Can play flash animations on any screen, from two color low-res OCS to
24-bit graphics cards. Supports OCS, ECS, AGA, CyberGraphics, and Picasso
96. Uses dithering for improved display quality on color-mapped screens.

- Public and custom screen support

Can open on the Workbench or on a web browser's screen, or can open its
own screen, in any resolution or format.

- Uses AHI for flexible audio output

Plays sound on any hardware for which AHI has a driver. Supports 16-bit

- Uses openurl.library for browser support

Allows any supported browser to visit web pages linked to by a flash

- Built-in decoding of MP3 sounds

Contains an integrated version of the open-source MAD MP3 decoder; does
not require mpega.library or other external decoder.

- Support for alternate hardware platforms

Because it does not depend on native Amiga hardware for graphics or
sound, FlashPlayer works with Amiga emulators and with the latest Amiga
hardware (it has been ported to MorphOS with minimal effort, and runs
under emulation on UAE and the AmigaOne).

- Runs from Workbench or shell

Can be run in any of the normal ways, including via the WB 3.5+ default
icon system (default icon included), and as a MIME-driven player for a
web browser (instructions included). If run on the Workbench screen,
files can be played by dropping them on the FlashPlayer window.

- Mouse, menu, and keyboard control of the flash animation

Control the animation with the mouse, or use the keyboard and menus to
stop, start, frame advance, and rewind the animation. Zoom in on the
animation, and scroll around within the zoomed-in frame.

- Configurable, for maximum flexibility

Uses tooltypes or command-line arguments to set the screen type, the
playback quality, the size and scale (enlarged or reduced) of the
animation, enable or disable sound, streaming sound, looping, and url
support, adjust the sound buffer size, and set the diagnostic output

New for version 1.4:

- FlashPlayer now supports morphing shapes, which are shapes that can morph
between two different outlines/line styles/fill styles/colors/transparen-
cies during the course of an animation. Morphing shapes can also serve as
masks that allow parts of other shapes to become transparent.

- Fixed a flaw that caused 24-bit lossless-compressed images to lose their
transparency, causing opaque (usually black) boxes to appear around them.
This affected a lot of animations.

- Fifteen- and 24-bit lossless-compressed images are now displayed with much
better color quality. Previously very simple color processing was used.
This was usually adequate, as lossless compression is rarely used for
photographic-quality images. But when it was used for photos, they looked
poor. They're now much better.

- Sprites, or small animations that play within the main animation, may now
be used as mask objects. Previously, objects that were supposed to be
masked by a sprite were invisible.

- The swf library used by FlashPlayer now uses internal memory pools for many
of its rendering operations. This speeds up the rendering of complex shapes
(morphing shapes are often complex), and reduces memory fragmentation.

- Some bugs and memory leaks under error conditions (typically, when running
low on memory) were fixed.

- The code that automatically increases FlashPlayer's stack size if it's been
set too small was inadvertently left out of version 1.3. It's now back.


- Does not support many of the newer additions to the flash format

Chief among these is the scripting language first added to Flash 4, and
extended in newer flash versions. Some animations depend on scripting and
will not run without it, while others use it only as an enhancement, and
can still be viewed to some extent even without scripting support.

- Missing support for some older features

The SWF library does not fully implement all features of even the older
flash formats. Many of these missing features have been added during the
course of development of FlashPlayer. However some features, such as
dynamic text, are still absent.

- Resource-intensive

While the flash files themselves are small, decoding and presenting them
requires lots of memory and lots of processor cycles. A fairly high-end
system is required to play any but the smallest and simplest animations,
and even a 68060 is unable to play most animations at their intended
speed (or to play streaming sound without dropouts).

- Limited browser integration

The flash format was really intended to be played from within a browser,
using an integrated plugin. Lacking this ability, FlashPlayer can only
act as an assistant to a browser, rather than as an integrated part of
it. This makes viewing flash animations on the web much harder than it
ought to be.


FlashPlayer runs under AmigaOS 3.0 and above. It requires guigfx.library
and render.library, both included. It makes use of, but does not require,
AHI and openurl.library.

FlashPlayer requires a 68020 or better processor, with an FPU. FlashPlayer
is not available for the PowerPC, as I don't have a PPC system to develop
it on; however it runs under emulation on AmigaOS 4 and UAE, and has been
ported to MorphOS.


Mike Steed

SWF library written by Olivier Debon; modified by Mike Steed

Upload Date:Mar 08 2020
Size:257 KB
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