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Description:6502 Macro Assembler
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: 6502 Macro Assembler
Author: Carl-Henrik Skårstedt, port by uploader
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type: dev/cross
Version: rev. 10
Architecture: ppc-morphos
URL: https://sites.google.com/view/side-project-c64-tools/x65-assembler

x65 filename.s code.prg [options]
* -i(path) : Add include path
* -D(label)[=value] : Define a label with an optional value (otherwise defined as 1)
* -cpu=6502/65c02/65c02wdc/65816: assemble with opcodes for a different cpu
* -acc=8/16: set the accumulator mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits
* -xy=8/16: set the index register mode for 65816 at start, default is 8 bits
* -org = $2000 or - org = 4096: force fixed address code at address
* -obj (file.x65) : generate object file for later linking
* -bin : Raw binary
* -c64 : Include load address(default)
* -a2b : Apple II Dos 3.3 Binary
* -a2p : Apple II ProDos Binary
* -a2o : Apple II GS OS executable (relocatable)
* -mrg : Force merge all sections (use with -a2o)
* -sym (file.sym) : symbol file
* -lst / -lst = (file.lst) : generate disassembly text from result(file or stdout)
* -opcodes / -opcodes = (file.s) : dump all available opcodes(file or stdout)
* -sect: display sections loaded and built
* -vice (file.vs) : export a vice symbol file
* -merlin: use Merlin syntax
* -endm : macros end with endm or endmacro instead of scoped('{' - '}')

Upload Date:Mar 20 2020
Size:681 KB
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