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Description:A simple tools to change the color balance of your images.
Developer/Porter:Guillaume Roguez
Short: MUIColorizer - A color balance tool for MorphOS.
Uploader: yomgui1@gmail.com (Guillaume Roguez)
Author: yomgui1+at+gmail-dot-com (Guillaume Roguez)
Type: gfx/edit
Version: 1.1
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.0
Requires: dev/mui/MCC_Guigfx.lha

==== Information ====

MUIColorize - Version 1.1

Design and code: Copyright (c) 2010 by Guillaume 'Yomgui' ROGUEZ.
Icones: Copyright (c) 2010 by Patrick 'Patbest' JUNG.

==== Purpose ====

MUIColorize is a simple tools to change the color balance of your images.
It's based on Lift/Gain/Gamma formula:

out = (gain*(in + lift*(1 - in)))^(1/gamma)

There are also possibility to change global Saturation (+-100%) and Exposure (+-16EV).
Finally, the result can be saved as a PNG file.

MUIColorize uses SIMD instructions (Altivec) of your CPU if available,
and if the width of your image is compatible (must be multiple of 4).
If not, full CPU methods are used.

==== Requirements ====

MUIColorize is a MorphOS/MUI application.
Requires the Guigfx.mcc, found on MorphOS-File repository:

==== Installation ====

Just copy the directory where you want and launch the binary MUIColorize file.

==== Usage ====

1 - Load an image using the first string/popup button in the "Image viewer" window.
2 - Plays with all cursors and color selectors.
3 - When happy, type a filename for saving in the second string
in the "Image viewer" window and press "ENTER".
Alternatively you can also press the button at right of
the string gadget to open a normal file selector.

==== Changes ====

- V1.0:
- New Altivec routines for INT <> FLOAT pixels buffers conversions.
- Fixed unaccurate colorize Altivec routine due to vec_loge/vec_expte.
- Added sliders to change global gain of each LGG parameters.
=> Possible to increase the gain and lift over 1.0!
- Exposure in range [-16, +16] EV now.
- Removed Brightness (not needed).
- Various orthers fixes.

- V0.8:
Last public version with sources included.

Upload Date:Feb 23 2019
Size:77 KB
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