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Description:A simple calculator with variables support
Developer/Porter:Marcus Sackrow
Hex2 0.1

simple calculator with variables support

type the forumla into the edit and press enter or "calc" button.
the currently defined variables are shown as list with various
Double click to and entry to add that variable or its value to
the formula edit at the current cursor position.


= assign a variable, if no variable is given, "result" is used
e.g. "a=1" "a=b+3"

you can use '.' or ',' as decimal separator

0..9 decimal numbers e.g. "42" result=42
"1.54e3", "-134.44", "12,33e-4"
$0..9 A..F hexadecimal numbers e.g. "$42" result=66
%0,1 binary numbers e.g. "%0110" result=6
Pi the number Pi e.g. "pi" result=3.14159265358979

+ add numbers together e.g. "3+2" result=5
- subtract number e.g. "3-2" result=1
* multipy numbers e.g. "3*2" result=6
/ divide numbers e.g. "3/2" result=1.5
^ raise to the power e.g. "3^2" result=9
& bitwise and e.g. "3&2" result=2
| bitwise or e.g. "3|2" result=3
# bitwise xor e.g. "3#2" result=1
< bitwise shift left e.g. "3<2" result=12
> bitwise shift right e.g. "5>2" result=1

Trigonometic Functions
sin sine function, parameter in degree e.g. "sin(90)" result=1
cos cosine function, parameter in degree e.g. "cos(90)" result=0
tan tangent function, parameter in degree e.g. "tan(45)" result=1

sinr sine function, parameter in radiant e.g. "sinr(pi/2)" result=1
cosr cosine function, parameter in radiant e.g. "cosr(pi/2)" result=0
tanr tangent function, parameter in radiant e.g. "tanr(pi/4)" result=1

asin arcsine function, parameter in degree e.g. "asin(1)" result=90
acos arccosine function, parameter in degree e.g. "acos(0)" result=90
atan arctangent function, parameter in degree e.g. "atan(1)" result=45

asinr arcsine function, parameter in radiant e.g. "asinr(1)" result=1.5707963267949
acosr arccosine function, parameter in radiant e.g. "acosr(0)" result=1.5707963267949
atanr arctangent function, parameter in radiant e.g. "atanr(1)" result=0.785398163397448

other functions

round() round using IEEE754 rounding rules e.g. "round(-1.5)" result=-2 "round(1.5)" result=2
ceil() round always upwards e.g. "ceil(-1.1)" result=-1 "ceil(1.1)" result=2
floor() round always downwards e.g. "floor(-1.1)" result=-2 "floor(1.1)" result=1
int() cut away the after point decimals e.g. "int(-1.1)" result=-1 "floor(1.1)" result=1

abs() absolute value e.g. "abs(-42)" result= 42 "abs(42)" result=42
fak() fakturial (1*2*3*...*n) e.g. "fak(5)" result=120
sqrt() square root e.g. "sqrt(9)" result=3
rand() random between 0 and parameter e.g. "rand(100)" result=54

exp() exponential (e^n) e.g. "exp(5)" result=148.413159102577
ln() natural logarithm e.g. "ln(5)" result=1.6094379124341
lg() logarithm base 10 e.g. "lg(100)" result=2
lb() logarithm base 2 e.g. "lb(8)" result=3

Upload Date:Nov 11 2018
Size:188 KB
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