Readme: | Short: Rich Text Format to HTML5 converter Author: (Joerg van de Loo) Type: util/conv Version: 3.97 (-beta-) Replaces: util/conv/RTF-Riddle.lha Requires: 68020+ (m68k version) Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros, generic
Sorry, forgotten to upload it... --------------------------------
RTF-Riddle is a simple command line tool in order to convert RTF files into the HTML5 format using the primitives of CSS where I've spent a lot of effort in order to optimise the font handling, that is, to keep the final size short! If you expect RTF-Riddle to handle pictures, tables, headers, footers and embedded fonts I have to disappoint you, this is not supported nor will be.
"RTF2HTML.bat" is a Shell script that can be fired up by Workbench (double click) and offers file requesters for choosing file names. Note: Unless edited, this Shell script uses the m68k version of RTF-Riddle.
The file 'rtfriddle.exe' is a Windows 32-bit application, designed for Windows operating systems up from XP SP3.
*** UPDATE ***
This is the last version in its current form; new versions must be entirely different in design. Nevertheless, I'll still correct mistakes.
This version finally separates strictly between the evaluation and the HTML generation which means that now all RTF files (no matter what applications were used for the builds) are really transcoded to HTML compliant files. Unfortunately, I am still forced to make assumptions about the end of a paragraph or attribute, because I still have some information missing regarding the RTF specification. Nevertheless, now all RTF files should be transcoded correctly into their HTML form, without producing any nonsense, as in the last version.
April, 17th, 2015, released November 2015
A lot of changes (and more brain storming and testing) in order to support all RTF source files as expected and as far as the limited amount of features RTF-Riddle allows.
Font face detection improved and fixed (fallback font). Font size recognition improved and fixed (fallback font). Line indentation not always applied as intended, fixed. Paragraph indentation completely reworked. Group handling improved, with it, font size assignation. Supports now sub- and superscript.