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Description:Develop MUI apps/GUIs with ARexx.
Developer/Porter:Russell Leighton
Short: Develop MUI apps/GUIs with ARexx
Author: russ@sneezy.lancaster.ca.us (Russell Leighton)
Uploader: russ sneezy lancaster ca us
Type: dev/mui
Replaces: dev/mui/MUIRexx_3_0.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos






Russell Leighton

E-Mail: russ@sneezy.lancaster.ca.us


MUIRexx is a program which serves as an interface
between ARexx (Copyright 1987, William S. Hawes) and
MagicUserInterface (Copyright 1993-96, Stefan Stuntz).
MUIRexx does not provide complete access to all of the
capabilities of MagicUserInterface (MUI), however,
quite a lot of capability is implemented in MUIRexx
such as notification, icon buttons, and application
objects (objects that react to icons dropped on them),
as well as many standard MUI objects. Complete
graphical user interfaces as well as full applications
can be developed using MUIRexx and ARexx macros.
Additionally, it is also possible to dynamically change
or add objects after the application has been created.


v1.0 2/13/96 - initial release
v1.1 2/24/96 - fixed enforcer hits
added support for menus
added a MUI settings command
2/25/96 - improved group/menu syntax checking
v1.2i 3/10/96 - added support for drag and drop
3/14/96 - added options to set MUIA attributes
removed unnecessary options (e.g. WEIGHT)
v2.0 3/20/96 - added variable storage (set and get)
3/22/96 - MUIA attributes are now gettable
3/23/96 - added support for dragging multiselected items
removed Cyclechain TAG (add using ATTRS)
removed SELECT option from check gadget
3/24/96 - added switch gadget
list objects are now dropable
group objects are now dropable
3/26/96 - stack size now set for commands
3/28/96 - added method command
3/30/96 - added object gadget
removed scale gadget (use object instead)
3/31/96 - added support for setting app attributes/methods
if started from WB then icon is set
added support for multicolumn lists
removed dirlist DIR and FORMAT options (use ATTRS)
4/1/96 - removed config and muiset commands (use method)
4/2/96 - added support for boopsi objects
4/5/96 - added support for datatype images
v2.1 5/19/96 - TAG strings now nonvolatile
5/22/96 - generalized view command
added aslrequest command
5/27/96 - improved list drag&drop behavior
6/17/96 - added poplist command
6/25/96 - added format sequences for strings
7/20/96 - added support for new Icon.mcc class
changed behavior of image and check gadgets
8/22/96 - added support for virtual groups
v2.1a 9/1/96 - minor bug fixed (popasl contents were not stored
in config file)
9/4/96 - minor bug fixed (prevented pub screen closure)
9/5/96 - minor update to Icon.mcc (see docs)
v2.1b 9/7/96 - fixed bug (enforcer hit)
9/9/96 - fixed bug (MUIA_Cycle_Active now works at cycle
object creation, thanks to Hartmut Goebel)
v2.2 9/22/96 - added list TITLE option
9/25/96 - slider, popslider and knob now return value
(per documentation)
9/27/96 - format specifiers now work for all objects
(I think)
9/29/96 - context menus for groups added
can now specify image for popasl/poplist objects
(SPEC option)
10/1/96 - parse routine added to replace MUI REXX command
line parse
10/25/96- fixed bug in string, popasl, poplist objects
(MUIA_String_MaxLen now works, thanks to Bob Sisk)
v2.2i 11/22/96- fixed bug in list objects (prevented sorting)
(thanks again to Bob Sisk)
v3.0 12/4/96 - added callhook command
12/10/96- switch objects can now have an alternate label
12/21/96- extended callhook to include app and drop hooks
removed APP DROP PRESS options (use callhook instead)
removed COMMAND option from group command (use callhook)
removed TRIG VAL options from object command (callhook)
12/23/96- added REMOVE option to list object
12/26/96- added callhook INCLUDE/EXCLUDE to restrict drop ops
12/29/96- empty groups (and windows) no longer cause crashes
1/1/97 - groups can now be added dynamically
1/10/97 - fixed bug that prevented dynamic changes in popasl,
poplist, and list objects (discovered by Bob Sisk)
2/13/97 - added group POP option for creation of popup groups
3/16/97 - added monitor command to control debug output
3/18/97 - added inline command specification
4/21/97 - added SPEC option to button, text and switch objects
check and image object options changed
v3.0a 7/24/97 - fixed bug that prevented parsing of non-alpha characters
and all characters following in strings
7/29/97 - added install script to install MUIRexx


* Version 3.0 of the Amiga operating system or higher
* MUI 3.0 or better
* Icon.mcc custom class (included in distribution)
* ARexx


FTP/Internet: AmiNet (ftp.wustl.edu) and mirrors






Freely distributable, Copyright by the author.

Upload Date:Jun 10 2018
Size:335 KB
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