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Description:Allows to create the source code composed in C for the creation of a shared library (frame) where the needed information to build such a library are taken from a SFD file.
Developer/Porter:J.van de Loo & FWille
Short: Shared library source creator
Author: Joerg van de Loo, Frank Wille
Uploader: joergloo aol com
Type: dev/c
Version: 4.7
Requires: 68020+ (classic)
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos; i386-aros

Allows to create the source code composed in C for the creation of a shared
library (frame) where the needed information to build such a library are
taken from a SFD file.
In addition, it can produce the user required CLIB, DEFINE, PROTO, IFACE and
some more format files.

Weaver was developed using vbcc and the results created by Weaver were
tested using different platforms and by using different compilers.

Upload Date:May 30 2017
Size:255 KB
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