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Description:DiskSpeed and ScsiSpeed for MorphOS by Michael Sinz, AROS, Ilkka Lehtoranta.
Developer/Porter:Michael Sinz
Short: DiskSpeed and ScsiSpeed for MorphOS
Author: Michael Sinz, AROS, Ilkka Lehtoranta <ilkleht@isoveli.org>
Version: 4.10

This is a MorphOS port of DiskSpeed and ScsiSpeed packages developed by
Michael Sinz and the AROS Development Team (Nic Andrews, Adam Chodorowski,
Fabio Alemagna).

It has Zune/MUI GUI developed by the AROS Development Team which was adapted
to MorphOS version. Due to differences in Zune and MUI I made some changes to
the GUI code:

- Menustrip generation reworked
- No CoolImageButtons (text only)
- No special Zune about window (must whine to stuntzi... �hmt)

For version 4.10 some refresh bugs and other small minor drawbacks were fixed.
However gfx is still not refreshed properly between benchmarks. To fix this
properly GUI should run on subthread but isolating GUI from the code is too
much work for now...

Upload Date:Aug 25 2016
Size:85 KB
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