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Description:A GUI for Ghostscript8 done with RxMUI by Michael Merkel.
Developer/Porter:Michael Merkel
Short: GUI for Ghostscript8 done with rxMUI
Author: Michael.Merkel@gmx.net
Uploader: Michael Merkel gmx net
Type: text/dtp
Version: 0.13
Replaces: gfx/conv/GS8gui.lha
Requires: Ghostscript8.xx, MUI, rxMUI
Architecture: generic

Simple Graphical User Interface for the Ghostscript8 port done by whoosh.
This script has almost the same features a the older "Ghostscript-Gui" which
does no longer work (here) with Ghostscrip8 and also lacks the possibility
to use the new internal Ghostscript8 Workbench viewers.

spread it! use it! _write me!_

* Ghostscript8.xx ported by whoosh (http://www.whoosh777.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk)
(except internal viewing most features also work with other ghostscripts like the os4 native one)
* MUI (aminet)
* rxMUI >= V32.9 [tested with V40.1] (http://web.tiscalinet.it/amiga/rxmui)
* postscript or PDF files

* extract this archive to your Ram Disk
* just copy the drawer where you like it.
I'd prefer "GS813:" for example.
* the GS executeable is stored in the "GS8" tooltype of GS8gui. It defaults
to "Ghostscript:gs". Please add an ASSIGN like that to sour user-startup:
"Assign GhostScript: GS813:bin"
The GhostScript assign is also needed for the PS: handler which comes with
* since V0.08 you can add a "startup script" which then will be executed
right before GS is called. The file is: "PROGDIR:_BeforeGS.envscr"
I hope to finish the little "envsetter" tool which can also store these
sort of files then.

* Just start the script via shell or via its icon (Workbench).

* GS8: the GS executeable (default: "Ghostscript:gs")
* PdfPageCountStack: The Stack to use for the pdf page counter tool (default: 50000)
* PdfPageCountReadBuffer: The read buffer the pdf page counter tool (default: 100000)
* HideGS8Output: Hide gs8 console output window (default: FALSE)

* ---------- *
* The window of GS8gui may be quite large. If the WorkBench *
* screen is not big enough the program will not start propertly! *

V0.05 (31. December 2003)
* first release after a very long and very very lazy development period
(shame on me!!)

V0.06 (6. January 2003)
* opening a project was broken
* added "asynchronous" execution of GS8. This makes it possible to
cancel the processing during processing a file - hopefully :-).
(usefull e.g. if you started to display a postscript file with several
pages by accident)

V0.07 (1. February 2004)
* added little tool to count the pages od pdf documents. This even works
sometimes ;-)
--> hint: gs8 crashes if you try to view a page which does not exist!
* Rearranged page gadgets; Added page input fields. Only the contents of the
page number fields are taken into account.
* Console output window for GS8
* New Tooltypes:
"PdfPageCountStack": The Stack to use for the pdf page counter tool (default: 50000)
(If you get crashes while getting the page number increase it.)
"PdfPageCountReadBuffer": The read buffer the pdf page counter tool (default: 100000)
(The bigger the more memory is used the faster it grabs the page numbers)
"HideGS8Output": Hide gs8 console output window (default: FALSE)
* cycle box for dpi settings (display, print, convert)

V0.08 (11. April 2004)
* window popup when scanning pages
* really outputs now in CON: window :-)
* default for executeable is now "Ghostscript:gs" (no longer "gs8:bin/gs_2n")
* tested with the current gs813
* added all supported gs813 printing devices
* added simple startup script support for some "set xyz value" stuff
("PROGDIR:_BeforeGS.envscr" will be executed before GS8 is started)
* added a png icon by Christoph Poelzl <christoph.poelzl@rmsvideo.ch> which
may be used by MorphOS users

V0.09 (18. April 2004)
* "from" and "to" pages for displaying
* added all supported gs813 converting devices (i hope)
* added pattern for selecting pdf/ps file
* added file/device field for printing (forgot it...)
* instead of three different input fields for display/print/convert
now only one for all for resolution and page settings

V0.10 (19. April 2004)
* fixed wrong DPI settings for display and convert

V0.11 (20. November 2005)
* switched cycle gadgets for printing and converting devices to pop gadgets
as they contained way too much entries for smaller screen sizes (800x600)
You *must* re-set these zwo settings to use them.

V0.12 (23. April 2006)
* tried to allow a command line start of the script by giving an ACTION argument
and a file name. So:


should call the script and display the given file using the currently saved prefs
settings (thanks to Tony Pascoal). The arguments are:


To let it use from workbench (tooltype) I added three command files: GS8gui_Display,
GS8gui_Convert and GS8gui_Print which you can use for this purpose.
--> Please start GS8gui *once* before trying the starter command files as it sets an
ENV variable for it!

* disabled auto saving of prefs when leaving the script
* added "tiff32nc" device for converting (thanks to Christoph Poelzl)

V0.13 (2. February 2007)
* Added four input fields for additional parameter (global, display, print, convert).
These parameters will be added to the GS command line when executing the action.
For example you can add a "-dPDFSETTINGS=/screen" when creating PDF files to do some
optimization for the target format. Study the GS docs for other parameters.
(thanks to Christoph Poelzl for the suggestion)

Michael Merkel (MiMe@IRC)
Michael.Merkel@gmx.net (Michael Merkel)

for porting Ghpstscript8.13 to the wonderful Amiga

Alfonso Ranieri
for rxMUI

Christoph Poelzl
for the PNG icon

for making OS4 on my AmigaOne reality

Upload Date:Aug 12 2016
Size:48 KB
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