Readme: | Short: Apache 1.3.41 with PHP 4.4.9 Author: Uploader: aminet djbase de Type: comm/www Version: 1.3.41
Apache 1.3.41 with PHP 4.4.9 for MorphOS
Quick Installation Manual:
- Insert definition for HTTP into Miami and enable these lines
Miami -> Database -> users User Name=www User id=1001 Group id=45 Real name=www Home dir=Apache: Shell=noshell
Miami -> Database -> groups Group Name=www Group id=45 Users=www
Miami -> Database -> services Name=http ID=80 Protocol=tcp
- put your html and php files into Apache/htdocs directory
- run the Start_Apache script
- Connect for http://localhost to check installation...
- the apache/conf/httpd.conf is configured for standalone mode!
* The webserver, which includes these compiled-in standard-modules:
- core module, - env module, - config log module, - mime magic module, - mime module, - negotiation module, - status module, - includes module, - autoindex module, - dir module, - cgi module, - asis module, - imap module, - action module, - userdir_module, - alias module, - access module, - auth module, - setenvif module, - info module.
* Additional modules:
- php4 module (4.4.9)
* Enabled php-extensions:
- bcmath, - bz2, - calendar, - ctype, - curl, - dbase, - exif, - ftp, - gd, - gettext, - iconv, - mbstring, - mcrypt, - mysql, - overload, - pcre, - posix, - session, - standard, - tokenizer, - xml, - zlib.
* ARexx Support (Experimental)
Known problems:
* Apache can not be stopped.
* ...
Ported by Matthias Muench -
on Amiga 4000T, MorphOS 1.4, Cubic IDE
GCC 2.95.3 with -O2