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Description:E Compiler X by Leif Salomonsson.
Developer/Porter:Leif Salomonsson
short: E Compiler X
uploader: dev blubbedev net
author: Leif Salomonsson
type: dev/e
version: 2.3.1
architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0; ppc-morphos >= 1.4.5 ; ppc-amigaos >= 4.0

ECX is an E Compiler written from scratch in E, it supports 68020+FPU
and PowerPC CPUs, AmigaOS3, MorphOS and (experimental) AmigaOS4
operating systems.

High source as well as binary compatibility, together with many
improvements over previous implementations of the language.

More here: http://blubbedev.net/ecx/


You will want to install the AmigaE package, if not done
already: dev/e/amigae33a.lha. ECX makes use of the v40 modules
through the emodules: assign. Rest of installation is described
in ecx.guide.

ECX 2.3.1

o Keyfile no longer required.

o Default values for globals in modules did not work on PPC target, fixed.

o "JUMP .locallabel" did not work from substatement, fixed.

o Typo in name of minstartup module to load, fixed.

| Distribution |

The archive ecx#?.lha may be distributed freely, as long as the
contents and name of the archive remains intact and unmodified.

Leif Salomonsson -- September 2013

Upload Date:Jul 01 2016
Size:1 MB
Last Comments
27 Nov 2024
Leif's domain name has been taken over by somebody else and the old ECX folder inside it redirects to the new page as well. Leif, if you still can read this, please update to a new domain name and post the new link.