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Description:An Arexx script for MPlayer, that enables to play radio and TV streams.
Developer/Porter:Zbigniew Kopec
RadioScript is an Arexx script for MPlayer, that enables to play radio and TV
streams. It is based on MUI via RxMUI, so you can change its look very easy.
In this version the process of refreshing names and addresses is fully automated. If one wants
to upgrade the list of given country, just press the 'Scan' button. RadioScript is the attempt
to create a "radio-stream" application as simple and efficient as possible. The project
is not closed and few new features are coming, for this reason I would be pleased about
suggestions and tips.


- Morphos 1.4.5 or better
- Arexx properly installed. It is not joke, MorphOS distributions are quite tricky and in few
occasions I had to install Arexx again.
- RxMUI (Afonso Ranieri)
- MPlayer for MorphOS dev-SVN-r26568-2.95.4 or better
- Wget

-The best idea to install RadioScript is to unpack 'radioscript.lha' file and put its contents into
the MPlayer's directory.
-Assign MPlayer: assign mplayer: "your:path/to/mplayer"
Assign Stations: assign stations: "your:path/to/mplayer/stations", in this particular case
-Wget should be assign too or placed in c: drawer.

- 'radio', the main area list.class object, contains names and addresses of given country stations.
Double click on the selected position activates playing.
- Two text gadgets, let one to insert/change respectively; name and address of the station. It is
a simple editor to manipulate given position in the list above, together with 'Add' and 'Remove'
- 'Buf' gadget enables to change the value of the memory buffer of MPlayer (the bigger the more time
is needed to load the station but makes its work more stable)
- 'Overlay' useful to watch TV stations.
- 'Buf%' indicates what part (%) of the buffer has to be filled up to commence the process of playing.
- 'CLI' Calls the standard shell to keep tracking the progress of loading and receiving streams by
MPlayer - quite useful, particularly if some station is loaded first time or cost problems before.
- 'GUI' - loads the MPlayer GUI.
- 'StartGuI' starts MPGUI independently.
- 'country' cycle button enable to pic out country. In case of small monitors use 'n' key to
select proper position.
- 'scan' scans chosen country (this process lasts from seconds to few minutes, depends how many
stations are found)
- 'Clear', frankly clean the list above but not delete it. Useful if one want to try some new address.
- 'STOP' kills MPlayer - efficient but some streams are very stubborn (description below)
- 'audio' and 'ExStereo' cycle gadget enable to manipulate stereo channels to give the impression of
Virtual Surround Sound (but the bigger factor the larger distortions).

Known errors and suggestions
- Some .asf (Advanced Systems Format) streams demanding time to load and on the other hand,
what is worse, during the shut down, jamming MPlayer and the corresponding AHI chanel, e.g.
Polskie Radio 1,2,3,4,TOK FM,Antenne Bayern. It is advisable to monitor the current
network function.
- Country stream names and name file are stored in 'Station' directory. They are text files and
could be easy edited by any text editor.
- During the shut down RadioScript saves positions of 'country', 'Buf' and 'Buf%' gadgets.
- Attention needs to be paid to the fact that RadioScript was tested in MorphOS machines only.
- It is essential to rescan the countries database from time to them.

Zbigniew Kopec
e-mail: zbysiuk2@go2.pl
irc: irc.freenode.net #ppa (Polish)

This program is freely distributed and is my property. You can copy it freely if you do
not ask for any money.

Upload Date:May 27 2016
Size:150 KB
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