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Description:JPEG 7 Tools with MUI
Developer/Porter:Jean-Marie Coat
Short: JPEG 7 Tools with MUI
Author: Jean-Marie COAT <agalliance@free.fr>
Uploader: Jean-Marie COAT <agalliance free fr>
Type: gfx/conv
Version: 1.7a
Requires: Preferences.library, MUI 3.8+, Urltext.mcc, NList.mcc package
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0;ppc-morphos >=1.4.5

JPEG-7 MUI is a way to use easily cjpeg, djpeg, jpegtran, rdjpgcom and
wrjpgcom from lastest package release 7 of 27-Jun-2009(Independent JPEG
Group's JPEG sources).

All cli tools have been compiled by myself for any cpu, optimized for 060 cpu
and for MorphOS. All documentations are included in this package.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.7a
- Bugfix: Lists weren't activated and number of entries weren't displayed.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.7
- Added ASL file requester with DOMULTISELECT tag.
- Improved code and disabled key file check.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.6
- Solved all multi-files function(All groups can use multiple files via appwindow function).
- Appwindow improved, only one procedure is called for all Group pages.
- Installer script written.
- Wrote a documentation guide, with which it's possible to ask some helps for each group, pressing "HELP" keyboard.
- NOTE: I noticed a bug with amigaguide.datatype and MorphOS 1.4.5, so i used an older version on my PEG II.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.5 (Fix)
- Fixed wrong arguments set under AmigaOS/68k using
wrjpgcom in single file mode.
- Optimized code 68k and MOS.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.4 (Fix)
- Fixed unitialized number of files removed by user.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.4
- Re-compiled MorphOS tools(more faster).
- Removed slow down processes of JPEG-7 MUI :-)
- Added multi files processing for wrjpgcom.All output
files will be named "<file name>_wrjpgcom.JPEG" to preserve
originals JPEG pictures.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.3
- Added multi files processing for rdjpgcom.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.2
- Added multi files processing for jpegtran. All output
files will be named "<file name>_jpegtran.JPEG" to preserve
originals JPEG pictures.
- Improved window's refreshing methods.

JPEG-7 MUI Version: 1.1
- Added Multi files processing for cjpeg and djpeg.

First update: Archive JPEG7-MUI_upd.lha (Version: 1.0)
- Added progress percentage for cjpeg, djpeg and jpegtran.

*-=-=-=-=-=-* A R C H I V E *-=-=-=-=-=-*

LhA Freeware Version 2.12 68040+
Copyright (c) 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright (c) 1998,1999 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Sven Ottemann.

Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
6215 6049 2.6% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS.info
141920 45534 67.9% 28-Nov-09 12:28:10 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Jpeg-7 MUI
10320 10238 0.7% 24-Oct-09 17:49:32 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Jpeg-7 MUI.info
6215 6050 2.6% 24-Oct-09 17:49:32 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Libs.info
4968 2760 44.4% 17-Sep-09 18:46:40 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Libs/preferences.library
6215 6050 2.6% 24-Oct-09 17:49:32 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools.info
104280 54767 47.4% 12-Oct-09 12:51:44 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/060/cjpeg
117212 59396 49.3% 12-Oct-09 12:52:00 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/060/djpeg
87436 47966 45.1% 12-Oct-09 12:52:22 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/060/jpegtran
16144 9989 38.1% 12-Oct-09 12:52:24 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/060/rdjpgcom
16456 10091 38.6% 12-Oct-09 12:52:26 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/060/wrjpgcom
114872 57291 50.1% 24-Oct-09 17:28:40 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/Any/cjpeg
126400 62192 50.7% 24-Oct-09 17:28:50 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/Any/djpeg
83972 46673 44.4% 24-Oct-09 17:28:58 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/Any/jpegtran
15516 9669 37.6% 24-Oct-09 17:29:06 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/Any/rdjpgcom
15624 9677 38.0% 24-Oct-09 17:29:14 JPEG7-MUI/AmigaOS/Tools/Any/wrjpgcom
6215 6050 2.6% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI/Docs.info
11463 4809 58.0% 10-Jun-09 06:49:02 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/cjpeg.1
7510 3064 59.2% 28-Mar-09 19:33:04 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/djpeg.1
8611 3632 57.8% 28-Mar-09 19:18:20 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/jpegtran.1
162046 51767 68.0% 28-Mar-09 22:00:02 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/libjpeg.txt
1699 886 47.8% 02-Apr-09 18:38:28 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/rdjpgcom.1
15491 6593 57.4% 27-Jun-09 09:08:40 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/README
51715 18036 65.1% 25-Mar-09 23:16:32 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/structure.txt
29365 10691 63.5% 09-Jun-09 22:07:42 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/USAGE.txt
9759 3650 62.5% 15-Nov-95 17:30:32 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/wizard.txt
2627 1212 53.8% 16-Jun-95 01:14:04 JPEG7-MUI/Docs/wrjpgcom.1
11413 2670 76.6% 26-Nov-09 14:53:38 JPEG7-MUI/Install_JPEG-7 MUI
3677 1963 46.6% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI/Install_JPEG-7 MUI.info
12276 4513 63.2% 07-Nov-09 17:09:52 JPEG7-MUI/JPEG-7 MUI.guide
3158 3017 4.4% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI/JPEG-7 MUI.guide.info
6215 6050 2.6% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS.info
186144 52945 71.5% 28-Nov-09 12:30:22 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Jpeg-7 MUI
8487 8374 1.3% 24-Oct-09 17:49:12 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Jpeg-7 MUI.info
6215 6050 2.6% 24-Oct-09 17:49:12 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Libs.info
12388 4994 59.6% 17-Sep-09 17:56:08 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Libs/preferences.library
6215 6050 2.6% 24-Oct-09 17:49:12 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools.info
163748 68567 58.1% 19-Oct-09 14:10:26 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools/cjpeg
163488 75236 53.9% 19-Oct-09 14:10:36 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools/djpeg
160068 65397 59.1% 19-Oct-09 14:10:40 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools/jpegtran
22520 8897 60.4% 19-Oct-09 14:10:44 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools/rdjpgcom
23844 9392 60.6% 19-Oct-09 14:10:46 JPEG7-MUI/MorphOS/Tools/wrjpgcom
2761 2761 0.0% 28-Nov-09 12:58:34 JPEG7-MUI.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1972883 881658 55.3% 28-Nov-09 12:58:54 43 files

Operation successful.

-=- Readme created with ReadmeMUI 1.1 �2002-2009 Jean-Marie COAT -=-

Upload Date:Oct 31 2020
Size:443 KB
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