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Description:Remote management for CBM computers
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: Remote management for CBM computers
Author: marko.makela@iki.fi (Marko M�kel�)
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type: comm/misc
Requires: C2N232 device; null modem cable; parallel cables
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos
URL: https://www.ktverkko.fi/~msmakela/8bit/cbmlink/cbmlink.html

CBMLINK 0.9.8: data communications and remote management for Commodore computers.
-h Get this help message
-c protocol device Specify the communication protocol and interface
-b bank Specify the memory bank (default=1 for 600/700, 0 for others)
-l[p] file.prg Load a program at its specified absolute address
-l[p]b file.prg Load a program, relocated to the start of BASIC
-l[p]r,address file.prg Load and relocate a program to the specified address
-l[p]o,address file.bin Load a binary file to the specified address
-s,address,address file.prg Save memory area to a program file
-so,address,address file.bin Save memory area to a binary file
-r Disable the server and perform a RUN command
-j,address Disable the server and jump to the specified address
-jc,restart_address Launch a VIC-20 cartridge
-d drive[,secondary] Specify the device number and secondary address (default=8)
-dr[0|1][,interleave] file.d64 Read a disk in unit 0 or 1 to an image file
-dw[0|1][,interleave] file.d64 Write an image file to a disk in unit 0 or 1
-dmc,address,address file.prg Save drive controller memory area to a program file
-dmco,address,address file.bin Save drive controller memory area to a binary file
-dml file.prg Load a program to drive memory
-dmlr,address file.prg Load a program to the specified address in drive memory
-dmlo,address file.bin Load a binary file to the specified address in drive memory
-dms,address,address file.prg Save drive memory area to a program file
-dmso,address,address file.bin Save drive memory area to a binary file
-dc command Execute a disk drive command
-ds Query disk drive status
-dd pattern Fetch the disk directory
-fr file ... Read files from disk
-fw file ... Write files to disk
-qf name,id Quick format a 1541 disk
-qr file.d64 Quick read a 1541 disk
-qw[,interleave] file.d64 Quick write a 1541 disk

Indirect addresses are prefixed with @, e.g. @0x2d or @45.

Upload Date:Jul 24 2022
Size:214 KB
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