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Description:A mission and objective-based 2D platform action arcade game
Developer/Porter:George Sokianos
# Blob Wars : Attrition

This is the port of the Blob Wars Attrition 1.2.2 for the AmigaOS 4 and

The AmigaOS 4 versions is tested and runs well on X5000/40. Also I tested
it on microAmigaOne but the lack of graphics memory (32MB total) makes it
really slow.

The MorphOS version was tested on PowerBook G4 and runs pretty fine and

I'd love to hear how it works on your system.

### Installation

This archive does not contain any data files. In order to play the game, you
will need to purchase the data. You can do so here:


To install it, extract all the files from the bought Linux archive
(blobwarsAttrition-1.2.2.linux-x86.tar.gz) anywhere at you hard disk
and copy over all the files from this archive. A requester will show up
to replace the blobwarsAttrition binary, which you need to confirm.

I do not recommend to use the demo data provided from the official website,
because they do not work correctly.

It is recommended to have the following SDL2 options enabled at its prefs:
- Driver: opengl/opengl2 depending your gfx card and the drivers you have
installed in your system
- Batching Mode: enabled

### Support

If you like what I am doing and my ports and you would like to support me,
and my future releases please visit https://ko-fi.com/walkero where you
can find all the latest updates by me and you can donate.

### Changelog

1.2.2r2 (2022-09-19)
* Did a few changes at the code that speeds up the game a lot
* Removed the white shadow from texts in some renderers
* Changed the freetype library with the latest version
* Removed the debug info at the start of the game
* MorphOS version released
* Some code cleanup at the repo

1.2.2r1 (2022-08-13)
* First release

Upload Date:Sep 19 2022
Size:380 KB
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