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Description:A high-end MIDI sequencing and composition package
Developer/Porter:Alfred Faust

Welcome to install BarsnPipes 1.3 for MOS 3.17 and higher!

Before you can work successful with BarsnPipes some preparationen are

1. Assign

Since this version a assign is neccessary. Best this is done via
s:user-startup. Load this file into an editor and append the line:

assign BarsnPipes: mypath:BarsnPipes

mypath: must be adapted to the place, where you decide to copy
the BarsnPipes directory.

example: You have copied the BarsnPipes directory to
Then the assignline in s:user-startup looks so:

assign BarsnPipes: DH0:Applications/BarsnPipes

2. MIDI-Transmission:

a) over USB-MIDI (needs a USB-MIDI-Interface)

Copy the libs/camd.library from the installation drawer
to System:MorphOS/libs.

Copy the Classes/USB/camdusbmidi.class from the installation drawer
to System:MorphOS/Classes/USB.

These 2 files are furtherdeveloped by Antoine Dubourg, which
guarantees the complete transmission of all types of MIDI-datas.

Read the docs/Addenum.guide -> "New MIDITools" please, for more
information about USB-MIDI.

b) over the Gameport of a EMU10k-Soundblaster LIVE! - soundcard
series (needs a MIDI-Interface for the gameport of the soundcard)

NB: Any years ago, I've made a own gameport-MIDI-Interface for
this purpose with IN, THRU and 3xOUT - synchron.

To use this:
- rename the camd.library in System:MorphOS/libs to camd.library_50_2

- Copy the libs/camd.library40_4 from the installation drawer
to System:MorphOS/libs, and rename it to camd.library.

- copy the devs directory from the installation drawer
to System:MorphOS/

(It's of course also possible, to copy the single files from the
directories of the Installations drawer to the destination drawers
in System:MorphOS one by one.)

These both possibilities are alternatively, unfortunately you can't
use them at one time.

If you want to switch to the other way, change the name of the camd.library:
camd.library version 50.2 (native MOS) is for USB-MIDI
camd.library version 40.4 (68k AMIGA) is for EMU10k-gameport-MIDI



The camd.library ver. 50.2 and the camdusbmidi.class is new designed
for MOS by Antoine Dubourg.

The Advantage:
It needs NO longer drivers in DEVS:midi.

The code is native MOS, and so much faster, than the camd.library Ver.
40.4 from Kjetil.M.Mattheussen, which only runs in 68k emulations-mode.

The Disadvantage:
It works only with USB-MIDI-Interfaces.

The USB-MIDI-Interfaces are cheap to buy these days. Other MIDI-
Interfaces, especially the Interfaces for the gameport on older
soundcards are mostly only available on the second-hand market, and hard
to get.

Another big advantage of the USB-MIDI:

You can use multiple USB-MIDI-Interfaces (with 1 IN and 1 OUT - up to
16) at the same time. Each USB-MIDI-Interface is recognized and bound to

In BarsnPipes you can choose the connection, you want to use in the
MIDI-Tools and (if neccessary) in the Synchronizations-Preferences.

You find in the tools-drawer of your BarsnPipes installation 16 MIDI-IN
and MIDI-Out tools. So you can theoretical (if you own 16
USB-MIDI-Interfaces) work with 16 * 16 = 256 MIDI-channels (independend
instruments). If this makes sense is another question ...

There are so called Multiport USB-MIDI-Interfaces on the market. If they
are working with MorphOS you should try out before. Mostly they are made
for Windows and Apple computers. In MOS it is not guarenteed, that all
ports of such USB-MIDI-Interfaces are recognized.


3. Copy the 2 fonts from the installation drawer to System:MorphOS/fonts

4. First Start of BarsnPipes

BEFORE (!) you start BarsnPipes connect the (USB-)MIDI-Interface.
OTHERWISE, BarsnPipes will report the lack of a MIDI-Interface and will
not start.

Start BnP by doubleclick. During startup you will be asked for
screenmode. I recommend for the first start to use a screenmode with
lowerd resolution. This may be changed later in the Menu->

When BarsnPipes is ready, go to Menu:Preferences->Environment. Make your
choices and leave the window with "Save". This writes a file
BarsnPipes.prefs into the support dir of your BarsnPipes dir. Next time
you will not be asked for a screenmode. BnP is starting faster.

Open the window of the MIDI-Tools in the pipeline (Doubleclick, or one
click and pressing E on the keyboard), and set the connection.

You must this do only once for all MIDI-In* and once for all MIDI-Out*
(* is the number of the tool).

Click the Input-selector left besides the MIDI-In. If the connection is
done successful, the MIDI-Out-indicator-LED on your MIDI-Interface (if
there is one) will flash once.

I hope you have much fun with BarsnPipes.
Alfred Faust in January/February 2023

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