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Description:A skin for MorphOS.
Developer/Porter:Aaron Diezman
Short: [MorphOS] A skin for Ambient
Author: Aaron Diezman (adiezman@softhome.net)
Uploader: Aaron Diezman (adiezman softhome net)
Type: pix/theme
Version: 1.0
Requires: Morph OS 1.4+
Architecture: generic

"Sky" Skin for MorphOS Ambient

This is my contribution to the growing skin library for Ambient.
This package includes the base skin, arrow gadgets for MUI, a
radio button for MUI, and MUI preferences.

This skin works well in any resolution.

A 16-point font is recommended for this skin.

This skin installs with the standard Installer.

This skin is freeware and is freely distributable.

I also give permission to other skin artists to adapt the install
script to their own creations.

Send comments to adiezman@softhome.net.

�2004 Aaron Diezman.

Upload Date:Apr 22 2017
Size:153 KB
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