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Description:Display Top Tasks in screen title.
Developer/Porter:Matthias Böcker
Short: Display Top Tasks in screen title
Author: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Uploader: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Type: util/wb
Version: V1.6
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.0.0
Website: http://amigazeux.net

TopTasks is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS.

TopTasks displays the systems currently top CPU-time consuming task in the
screen title.

Will display the top 5 to 25 tasks that consume the most CPU-time the last
second in a window when clicked.

It is possible to send a break signal to any of the listed tasks or to
set their priority by simply opening the context menu for the entry (right
click over the entry). Try it, it can be useful sometimes.

Also displays the past top tasks in a separate list.

Everything is fully configurable.

Changes in this version:
- Applied mpre cosmetic changes to the settings GUI. Some gadgets now have
a fixed max. width making the GUI stop expanding at a certain point.
Please let me know if this is just a braindead idea making the GUI look
ok on my setup only :-)

- The top tasks window opens now exactly below the screen title bar instead
of using its own bottom border for position.

- Text displayed in the screen title can now be rendered off-center
vertically by specifiying a pixel offset.

- Number of Top Tasks shown can be configured from 5, 10, 15, 20 to 25
tasks now. Previously it was fixed to 10 tasks.

- Now displays the rank of the tasks in the first column.

- Top Tasks and History Tasks CPU loads can now also be colour coded
ranging from green over yellow to red (see settings).

- Comes with a real Installer script courtesy of InstallerGen by Rob
Cranley now.

- Now also shows the respective task priorities in history list.

- Global task info group in the TopTask window can now be hidden (see

- Due to popular demand the TopTask window can now be made dragable (see

- Width calculation has been updated to be a bit closer to the configured
number of characters in settings.

- Number of entries held in history list can now be adjusted from 60
seconds up to 24 hours where 1 entry equals 1 second.

- It was not possible to deselect an entry in history list keeping the
entry always visible and thus scrolling the added top entries out. To
deselect the entry now double click any entry in the list.

Double-Click the Install icon and TopTasks.sbar will be installed to your

For manual installation simply copy the contents of the "Copy_To_Sys"
drawer to your SYS: partition.
Enter in a Shell: copy ram:TopTasks_sbar/Copy_To_Sys/#? to SYS: ALL

Now right click the screen depth gadget to open its context menu, go to
"Modules" and select "Refresh". TopTasks should now appear in the Screen
title bar. If it does not appear open the context menu again, and go to
"Modules" again and select TopTasks from the modules shown there.

If you want to create a catalog in your native language please have a look
at the catdev drawer contained in the archive.
I highly recommend to use SimpleCat by Guido Mersman. Using SimpleCat you
just have to update the .cs file with your language and then simply
generate a corresponding catalog file from this. You may mail me the
catalog for inclusion in future updates or simply release it yourself.

Open the context menu of the screen depth gadget and select the "Settings
..." menu item. Select TopTasks from the list in the window that just
opened to configure this Screenbar-Plugin.

No further documentation exists regarding configuring TopTasks at this

In case you like this software please consider a donation to #amigazeux at:


Thanks to:
- Leif Salomonsson for ECX :-)

- Guido Mersmann for SimpleCat

- Rob Cranley for InstallerGen

- MorphOS-Team for MorphOS :-)

- Philippe 'OffseT' Rimauro for the french translation.

If you have bugreports, suggestions or anything else you can reach me by
e-mail at amigazeux@gmx.net

You could also visit irc.amigazeux.de channel #amigazeux but it's not easy
to catch me there nowadays.

-- #amigazeux

Upload Date:May 25 2022
Size:81 KB
Last Comments