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Description:Displays Mouse Eyes in screen title.
Developer/Porter:Matthias Böcker
Short: Displays Mouse Eyes in screen title
Author: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (ugelb@gmx.net)
Uploader: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (ugelb@gmx.net)
Type: util/wb
Version: V1.4
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.0.0
Website: http://amigazeux.net

MouseEyes is a screenbar plugin for MorphOS.

MouseEyes displays eyes in the screen title that look at and follow the
mouse pointer.

Everything is fully configurable.

Changes in this version:
- The pupils of the eyes are now only shown on the active screen. On all
other screens running an instance of Mouseeyes, the pupils are hidden.
This also has the side effect that one can easily spot the active screen
based on existing pupils in case of a multi-monitor setup.

- Now comes with a real Installer script courtesy of InstallerGen by Rob

Double-Click the Install icon and MouseEyes_sbar will be installed to your

For manual installation simply copy the contents of the "Copy_To_Sys"
drawer to your SYS: partition.
Enter in a Shell: copy ram:MouseEyes_sbar/Copy_To_Sys/#? to SYS: ALL

Now click right click the screen depth gadget to open its context menu, go
to "Modules" and select "Refresh". MouseEyes should now appear in the
Screen title bar. If it does not appear open the context menu again, and go
to "Modules" again and select MouseEyes from the modules shown there.

If you want to create a catalog in your native language please have a look
at the catdev drawer contained in the archive.
I highly recommend to use SimpleCat by Guido Mersman. Using SimpleCat you
just have to update the .cs file with your language and then simply generate
a corresponding catalog file from this. You can mail me the catalog for
inclusion in future updates or simply release it yourself.

Q: I don't see MouseEyes on my Ambient/xyz screen!

A: This is probably due to the fact that you are not using a true colour
(24 bit and higher) screen. Unfortunately windows with transparency
that are opened on 16 bit (and lower) screens are not visible in MorphOS
Version 2.2 and lower.

Q: MouseEyes are not transparent and have a black background!

A: Unfortunately you need a true colour (24 bit and higher) screen with
compositing enabled to have transparent background with MouseEyes.

Thanks to:
Leif Salomonsson for ECX :-)

Guido Mersmann for SimpleCat

MorphOS-Team for MorphOS :-)

Rob Cranley for InstallerGen

Grzegorz Kraszewski for the polish translation

In case you like this software please consider a donation to #amigazeux at:


IF you want to contact the author please write an email to amigazeux@gmx.net
or visit irc.amigazeux.de channel: #amigazeux

-- #amigazeux

Upload Date:Apr 01 2022
Size:66 KB
Last Comments