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Description:A little and easy program to computers without battery clock to save and restore the date and time from your computer.
Developer/Porter:J.C. Herran Martin

Title: BootClock
Version: 1.50
Kind: Miscelaneus
Plataform: MorphOS
Requeriments: charsets.library
Description: A little and easy program to computers without battery clock to save and
restore the date and time from your computer.

The program reboot and shutdown your system and save the date and time
in a file called MiHora inside the ENVARC

The tool is very easy to use with menu options.

Available in the next languages:
1.English. 2.Spanish. 3.French. 4.Italian. 5.German. 6.Polish.

- 1.50 Compiled with the last Hollywood 10.0.
Added an intro logo.

- 1.30 Rev.1 Added command tools to work join with BootClock in Extra
Tools drawer.

- 1.30 Remove the option to save the date must to problems with the
formats of date between Hollywood and the system.

- 1.20 New languages available:
Italian by Samir Hawamdeh.
German by Lars Bramer.
Polish by Adam Mierzwa.

- 1.10 Fixed bug with time clock.
Fixed the flickering problem with the clock.

- 1.05 Improvement the visual clock look.

- 1.00 Initial realesed.

Upload Date:Dec 16 2023
Size:1 MB
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