Readme: | Short: Another Skin for MorphOS Author: (Oliver Hummel) Uploader: blade_runner gmx li (Oliver Hummel) Type: pix/theme Version: 1.0 Requires: Morph OS 1.4+ Architecture: generic Date: 2004/05/29
OneFive Ambient Skin
Tired of waiting for MorphOS 1.5? Well do the same that I did, make something productive while waiting ;-) This is btw the reason for the Name of this Skin. Well I could also have named it "Godot" but I guess only few person would have understand that joke and I guess I would have been mailbomed by the MOS Core Devs ore even worse I had to stay side by side with CISC in a dark chamber in Ralf`s Castle...Without my beloved Peg... and even not once with Ralf`s X-Box...
To Install this Skin, simply use the Install Skript, or for Hardcore installer haters like Tokai, make a Skins Directory in Sys:Prefs (not Mossys, if you do so, Henes or jacadcaps will come and they Install Windows 1.0 on your System, you have been warned!) and copy the whole onefive directory into it.
Some Notes:
High Resolution: Like my first Skin, this one is also ment for higher Resolution Screens with 1280x1024 and above. It might look a bit big on lower Resolutions.
Fonts: On my System, the main font is Verdana 20. So if you have a lower fontsize, the windows might look a little bit cropped. In that case you can either choose a bigger Screen Font or you fire up your Favorite Texteditor and search for the Keyword WINDOWTITLETEXTSHIFT in skin Config. Playing a bit with the values should help. The Preview Screenshot should give you a good how it was ment to look like.
Copyright: This skin is �2004 Oliver Hummel
This Skin is Mailware, If you like it, mail me, If you don`t like it mail me too. (Criticism is a good thing if it could help to make things better)
It is freely redistributable, but it would be nice if you send me a short mail if you plan to include it on CD Rom or upload it anywhere else than on Morphzone or Aminet. You may use it for your own skin e.g. Visual Prefs. I am not responsible for any damage, use it at your own risk.