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Description:A MorphOS skin for Ambient.
Developer/Porter:Paolo Russo
Short: GlaceSkin for MorphOS
Author: Jambalah (Paolo Russo) geepney@hotmail.it
Version: 1.0
Date: 30/12/2011
Requires: MorphOS 2.x

Hi everybody!
2011 is going to its end and I prepared this skin to close the year.
Well, no special effects or psychedelic colours but only simple and relaxing.
This skin is a very simple old-school-inspired work with a little modern touch concerning
the de-selected window, wich has a bit of transparence. I drawed the window scrollers as
much similar as the MUI ones and I used soft gray tones for better visual.
I've even drawed internal background for sliders due to make them appear like a single line
and I used MUI settings to make their colour the same as window-groups background color.
Glace is the french word for "Ice". Colours inspired this name.. =)
I hope that this work will like you and as usual feel free to contact me for any problem
and/or suggestion.

Copy the skin drawer in your SYS:Prefs/skins and you did the work. MUI prefs inside, as usual.. =)

I want to wish you all the best for this incoming new year!!!
I really hope it could be the next beginning for all the possible joy!!!!

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Size:510 KB
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