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Description:Adventure point and click R.P.G.
Developer/Porter:J.C. Herran Martin
Title: Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro
Version: 1.00
Kind: Adventure point and click R.P.G.
Requeriments: charset.library
Game for: All
Description: You can choose among several heroes and discover the mysteries in
the Vaccei Kingdom, fighting against creatures, zombies, werewolves, wizars,
necromancers, recovering magic artifacts, speaking with villagers, etc.

The game is a free adaptation of the mythical books from Timun Mas from the
80s and 90s "Dungeons&Dragons" and "Avanced Dungeons&Dragonds" of which I was a
fan, now with my experience gained programming other adventure point and click
adventures and with the help of modern IAs making the graphics, I am doing this
game of rol adventure point and click.
The game is a 'demo concept game' in development process that will be finished
in winter of 2024-25 depending on the interest shown by the fans.

Usage with these keyboard keys:
ESC: Quit the game or exit of the play.
Space Bar: Hide/Minimize the game.

Available in these languages:
English. Spanish.

- This game isn`t not planned to translate it into other languages.
- The game will not free it will have a price yet to be determinated.
- This game will have versions for all systems that Hollywood supported,
except Amiga 68k due to lack of power to run the game properly.

More information:
web: www.morguesoft.eu/LosMalditos/index.html
e-mail: losmalditos@morguesoft.eu

- 1.00:
- Initial realesed.

Upload Date:Mar 30 2024
Size:20 MB
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