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Description:A hollywood plugin to Open and decode ods files
Developer/Porter:Carsten Siegner
Short: A hollywood plugin
Author: Carsten Siegner < carstensiegner@gmail.com >
Uploader: Carsten Siegner < carstensiegner@gmail.com >
Type: dev/hwood
Version: 1.0
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.18

A hollywood plugin to Open and decode ods files

Version 1.0:

+ First Public Version

This plugin add many new commands and constants to Hollywood:

ods.Import Import an ODS file

ods.Properties Extract all properties (document) + one of this constants:


ods.N_Col Calculate the number of columns (per worksheet)

ods.N_Row Calculate the number of rows (per worksheet)

ods.Contents Extract a cell with the vector: column , Row, worksheet

ods.Typ Get the typ of a cell. Vector like above.

ods.Expression Get the expression

ods.IsExpression Is in the cell a expression includet.

ods.N_Sheet Calculate the number of worksheets in a document

ods.N_Styles Calculate the number of Styles in a document

ods.Url Extract the URL if possible

ods.Pic_Url Extract a picture includet in the cell

ods.IsPicture Is a picture includet in a cell

ods.Style Get the style name of a cell. vector like above.

ods.Defaultstyle Get the default style name of a cell. vector like above

ods.Sheet_name Extract the name of a worksheet

ods.IsUrl Is a URL includet in a cell

ods.Get_Style Get the style of a cell. vector like above + one of this constants:


ods.Get_Default_Style Get the defaultstyle of a document + one of this constants above

ods.Open_Ods Open a document to read contents

ods.Close_Ods Close a document

Upload Date:Apr 27 2024
Size:50 KB
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