Readme: | Short: Perform an action to a window Kurz: Führe eine Aktion an einem Fenster aus Author: Uploader: Version: 1.5 Type: util/shell Architecture: ppc-morphos Distribution: Aminet
Perform an action to a window NAME : Name of the window, case sensitive ACTION : One of the actions below, not case sensitive, can be abbreviated LIST : List all available windows LISTMUI : List running MUI applications
For the actions BOX, MOVE and SIZE: X=LEFT, Y=TOP, W=WIDTH, H=HEIGHT
For QUERY action: QF=QUERYFORMAT/F %a: address %A: hasAlpha %h: height %H: hidden? %m: is MUI? %o: opacity %t: title %T: screen title %w: width %x: leftEdge %y: topEdge %z: zoom state default is: "%t (%T) %x/%y, %wx%h, Hidden: %H, IsMUI: %m, Zoomed: %z, HasAlpha: %A, Opacity=%o"
Possible window actions are: ACTIVATE - activate it BACK - put it to the back FRONT - put it to the front FBACK - put all windows of the same "family" to back FFRONT - put all windows of the same "family" to front ICONIFY - iconify a MUI application MIN - minimize it MAX - maximize it RESTORE - restore size and pos OPENMENU - open window's menu HIDE - hide the window SHOW - show the window ZIP - zip the window CLOSE - (try to) close the window (sends a IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW) QUERY - query values of a window, see QF=QUERYFORMAT option
Special actions with parameters BOX - change the window's position and size (X, Y, W, H) Example: WinAction TestWin BOX x=100 y=234 w=555 h=333 MOVE - move the window's left and top position (X, Y) Example: WinAction TestWin MOVE x=100 y=-200 SIZE - resize the window, the values will be ADDED/SUBTRACTED! (W, H) Example: WinAction TestWin SIZE 222 -111
Example output of LIST and LISTMUI: =================================== 0:29.94 [ 5] Dev:ecx/my/WinAction> WinAction ls lm
SCREEN "Workbench Screen" RadeonX1900GT 24Bit 1920 x 1080 [68.625kHz, 61Hz] (0/0, 1920x1080x8): WINDOW [ 819/ 57, 1059x 882] "Iris" (0x37AC46BC) WINDOW [ 24/ 48, 1131x 908] "Flow Development Studio" (0x27298CD4) WINDOW [ 0/ 952, 24x 128] "" (0x1E2BCCD4) WINDOW [ 881/ 21, 64x 32] "" (0x1ED16504) WINDOW [ 0/ 96, 24x 464] "" (0x1EC79E04) WINDOW [ 27/1048, 1161x 32] "" (0x1E2ED464) WINDOW [ 80/ 770, 830x 262] "MorphOS Shell" (0x1E6FE98C) WINDOW [ 0/ 548, 24x 416] "" (0x1E0DC494) WINDOW [1346/1031, 492x 48] "" (0x1E62188C) WINDOW [1896/ 184, 24x 896] "" (0x1DF2937C) WINDOW [ 0/ 22, 1920x1058] "" (0x18DD6B34)
SCREEN "Other Monitor" RadeonX1900GT.1 24Bit 1920x1080 [66.660kHz, 60Hz] (0/0, 1920x1080x8): WINDOW [ 80/ 630, 520x 107] "Network" (0x2A27F21C)
SCREEN "Wayfarer" RadeonX1900GT 24Bit 1920 x 1080 [68.625kHz, 61Hz] (0/0, 1920x1080x8): WINDOW [ 769/ 519, 245x 110] "" (0x37FE4504) WINDOW [ 0/ 22, 1581x1057] "Wayfarer" (0x2579B634)
MUIAPPS SCREENMANAGER "Intuition Screen Manager" POPO.1 "PoPo -- Poseidon Popup Provider" AMBIENT "Ambient" NETFS_POPUP "NetFS-PopUp" MCON.1 "MUI Console" MIXER "Mixer" MAGICBEACON "MagicBeacon" EXPOSE "Expose" MCON.2 "MUI Console" WAYFARER "Wayfarer" FLOWSTUDIO.1 "Flow Development Studio" IRIS "Iris"
Todo: ===== - Pattern support for the name of the window
History: ======== 15-Aug-2024: v1.5 Chg: LIST now only show screens and windows again New: LISTMUI shows only running MUI apps, you can specify both together f.e. WinAction LIST LISTMUI Chg: LISTMUI: The basename will be displayed first Rem: Removed the workaround for a ZapperNG bug, that only the zips the active window (ZapperNG v1.3 fixed this bug)
09-Aug-2024: v1.4 Chg: ICONIFY: if the MUI app of a window can't be found, use the NAME argument as the basename of a MUI app to find its app object Finally Easy2Install can be iconified;) This also can be used to Uniconify a MUI app! NEW: LIST now also shows a list of MUI apps, the second entry is the basename
08-Aug-2024: v1.3 New: added an ICONIFY action to iconify a mui window
08-Aug-2024: v1.2 Fix: QUERY command truncated window's title (and window's screentitle) [reported by jPV] Chg: QUERY output is now more consistent (Yes/No for all properties) [suggested by jPV] Chg: Changed default QUERYFORMAT to reflect the changes in QUERY
07-Aug-2024: v1.1 New: added LIST option to list all available windows Chg: NAME option can now also be an hexaddress (f.e. 0x1B9C8F24) New: added QUERY action, see above
05-Aug-2024: v1.0 New: more actions: ACTIVATE, BACK, FRONT, FBACK, FFRONT, MIN, MAX, RESTORE, OPENMENU, ZIP, CLOSE New: special actions with parameters: BOX, MOVE, SIZE
04-Aug-2024: v0.1 - first version with just Hide and Show