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Easy PegTV - V0.3
Use buildISO.sh script to make ISO file then burn it !

G.Charra - 20 Sept 2006
This CD is intented to help people to install a basic Gentoo system
with binaries compiled for standard Pegasos, targeting a Media Center.
A full tutorial about how this CD was made will be in the next version of
the Pegasos book. http://www.wikipeg.org
French tutorial is available here : http://www.wikipeg.org/wiki/wakka.php?wiki=PegasosSystemeMultimedia
Base of install : Linux Gentoo 2006.0 - kernel : 2.6.15
Tested config :
Pegasos II G4 1Ghz board
Pegasos on-board VIA sound chip
Pegasos on-board VIA rhine network chip eth0 (10/100MBit)
ATI Radeon 8500LE AGP graphic card
Hauppauge PVR350 + remote control TV card
iiyama CRT 17" monitor
To launch this CDROM on your Pegasos :

From OpenFirmware just do :
boot cd boot/menu

Then select your resolution when required.

Then launch /mnt/cdrom/install.sh script to install. (use at your own risks ;-) )
Just fill in your root partitition and swap partition names.


=> Notes :
- Default keyboard is US on starting console (use "loadkeys fr-latin1" for french keyboard)
- Default keyboard is US under GNOME (French keyboard can be selected from there).
- Network is DHCP
- TV setup for french cable
- Default language in MythTV is english

=> Things not working yet :
- TV playback has some glitches (maybe because I have an ATI 8500)
- TVout
- french xmltv/mythfilldatabase (but that might work for other country... not tested)

=> Things that should be working :
- Gnome (2.14.2) and Xorg 7.1 with ATI drivers 6.6.1
- ivtv drivers (0.4.2)
- LIRC (0.8.0)
- MythTV and plugins (0.19)
- basic emerge tools (qlop, equery...)
- other tools & apps (mplayer, mpg123, vorbis, mame, E-UAE, Chromium...)

=> After installation, do a "emerge --sync" to get portage DB.
For a complete package list see PACKAGES_LIST.TXT file.

Support on PPCZone.
Stay tuned ;-)

Upload Date:Sep 24 2024
Size:665 MB
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