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Description:Character set conversion library.
Developer/Porter:Haible, Lehtoranta, Skjæret
Short: Character set conversion library
Author: Bruno Haible, Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht@isoveli.org), Sigbj�rn Skj�ret
Uploader: Ilkka Lehtoranta (ilkleht isoveli org)
Type: util/libs
Version: 3.0
Architecture: ppc-morphos

This is MorphOS port of libiconv character set conversion library.
The port provides standard shared runtime library (iconv.library)
based on libiconv 1.11.

Starting from version 3.0 it also contains intl.library which depends
on iconv.library. To develop/compile applications using libintl please
see http://aminet.net/package/dev/c/libintl-morphos.

Version 3.0

� MorphOS 2.0 changes
� added intl.library V1.1 as part of package

Version 2.1

� fixed callback hooks
� added missing function iconv_canonicalize()
� added iconv conversion tool for text files

Example usage for iconv utility

To use iconv you can try something like this:

iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t utf-8 mytextfile >newtextfile.utf

Type 'iconv -l' to list possible encodings, '-f' is the source encoding,
'-t' is the target encoding.

Source code

To get source code and development material please download
iconv-morphos-dev.lha archive.

Upload Date:Jun 03 2017
Size:737 KB
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